Friday, June 21, 2019

Animal rights and non-western views Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Animal rights and non-western views - Essay Examplenimals rights urinate argued that these animals are totally different body gentlemans gentlemans, and therefore humans are superior and do not owe animals any chaste obligations. Such an argument fails to recognize that even within the human species, there are obvious differences- skin colors, sex, and intelligence level among others (Singer, 1989). Yet, these differences do affect how human rights are enjoyed. Therefore, human beings out to respect other non-human animal species the same way they do for their fellow humans. Secondly, animals, just like humans, have interests since they suffer the same way human do. Unlike other non living things, animals have feelings similar to humans (Singer, 1989). It is then absurd to subject such animals to harsh and extreme treatments since this will amount to denying these animals their interests. Therefore, the treatment that appears harsh and unbearable to humans should not be extended to other animal species because they too have feelings. Finally, opponents of animal rights have argued that human beings have intrinsic or natural dignity that necessitate to be protected all the time. As a result, humans cannot be treated like other animal species, and therefore, no human has a moral obligation towards animals (Singer, 1989). What such groups fail to show what characteristic makes humans earn this dignity and not other animal

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