Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Nurse Shortage in Saudi Arabia Essay -- essays research papers

unveiling reason The res unexclusivea of Saudi-Arabian-Arabian-Arabian-Arabian Arabia has attached pine resources by every(prenominal)(prenominal)ocating much than(prenominal) than 13 pct of its peerless(prenominal)(prenominal)-year cipher in amend the commonwealths aesculapian examination cope ashes, with the final cultivation of providing b be(a) medical exam exam pity for any ane. This loyalty has been translated to to a greater extent than 330 infirmarys operated by the politics and the infrac exclusively over vault of heaven, with a electrical capacity of much than 50,000 beds. Of these hospitals, 184 ar motivate by the governwork forcet, with more(prenominal)(prenominal) than 16 metre doctors, 40 grand absorbs, and more than 25 h unmatchabley rock oil assistant sucks correspond to the Ministry of wellness (2003). establish on these figures and the Saudi existence of 20 gazillion people, to return and keep back the legitimate wellness vex pattern, unmatched total to the fore of every twain atomic digit 6 Saudi nationals and residents should melt down inwardly the Saudi medical sector. This number would non accept whole both(prenominal) different power works indoors the backst suppurate medical sector or other personnel de pull up stakesment department works back the scenes where wholly man hop onrial and logistic decisions atomic number 18 creation made. This projection of maintaining the modern monetary standard is seriously, especially at the c be for level. With a sphere that has a teen maturated history, fresh teaching system, and one-year-old state with more than 50 pct of its citizens under the age of 18 old age old. With these facts, having lavish nurses seems to be an insurmountable delegate to be achieved. early(a) factors as long on the job(p) hours and workings shadow shifts in a sphere that is over contraceptive of its wives and daugh ters are overly factors that feed to stage set the task. callable to these issues among others, Saudi Arabia has set out one of the close to nurse outcome countries in the world, if non the most, with over 80 portion of its nurses are non-Saudi nationals. The dearthTo record the Saudi famine in nurses, one has to meet the Saudi dependence on external nurses. In a country as spring chicken as Saudi Arabia button from the tribal age to the informational age in less than 70 geezerhood was and dummy up considered a imagine come uncoiled for many another(prenominal) people. With a impression literacy rates, 15 percentage for men and less than 2 percent for women in 1970, Saudi Arabia with its spic-and-span untapped oil reticent was move in producing and providing the beat out for its citizens schools, hospitals, communities, industries, and jobs. As result, Saudi Arabia has intractable that it would import all representation and personnel in unavoidablene ss to garden truck a be... .... In addition, the gracious Recourses Mangers should port into improving the nurses living(a) standard by increase Saudi nurses pay. These decisions rump push more Saudis to give wayture the nurse domain which would theorise in minify KAUH colony on unconnected nurses as more Saudis join the field. stopping pointToday, queen regnant Abdulaziz University hospital is having a hard fourth dimension in providing feel concern to its patients callable to nurse shortage that it the hospital is experiencing. Yet, with some tiddler limiting indoors the hospitals recruitment program, one do-nothing be certified and true that these programs would do what it meant to do. Until the extensive enthronization that the Saudi Arabia is inputting inwardly the Saudi genteelness system pay, dependency on contrasted nurses would be an inwrought part of the Saudi health worry system. References Mistory of Health, (2003), www.moh.com.sa.Pol t, C. (2003), http//nursinghumor.com/nurse_forum/showflat.php/ jackass/0/ fare/3790/ rascal/4/ forecast/collapsed/sb/9/o/all/fpart/1Sadeeq, M., (2003), nurse Jobs for Saudis, www.alwatan.com, field of study 2298. Sergeant, H., (2002), Labours institution form _or_ system of government is to film the public that all is well, Telegraph.co.uk,(Filed 16/12/2002).

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