Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The advanced language proficiency stage Essay Example for Free

The advanced language proficiency stage Essay In this stage, the students now gradually progressed to be self-sufficient with the language they are about to used and is now condensed to participate actively in classroom discussions and activities. Students can now speak grammatically correct and may be more prone to fewer errors to writing and speech defects. Motivation from their classroom advisers and family is what the learner really need for the fast pacing of the continued process he / she might be undergoing especially in context areas of writing. This stage is gained after five to seven years of the initial stage. In this stage more problems occurs specially in the maintenance of the new language acquired. One of them is the too fluency to speak of a native language that enables them to follow the flow of the second language. At the beginning of this stage, teachers widely suggest the emergence of the second language that of the language known by the students’ native tongue. Another hindrance is that, the students may took the language learning easy and may look out the sound of the speech and writing as good and not of its basic content. This occurs specially during the times when students thought they had known enough of the new language now, not peculiar to them. Teachers of children with limited English proficiency need to be not only good models of language use but also the good representation of someone the students could look up to in terms of enjoyable learning and camaraderie. In particular, they should give buoyancy to the children to practice English as much as possible. Providing these students corroboration of speech and writing by intensifying on the childrens vocabulary repertoire and by speaking coherently even ahead of a small group will help them adjust more of the said language Adjustments in instruction, however, should not include a lowering of standards and setting off the traditional records for these children and this would only be possible with the aid of the school administration itself. The instructors should formidably do their task of finding more ways to improve the speech and writing abilities of these students that will promote new techniques and would eventually lead them to be more intelligible adults of their era. If they weren’t willing to participate in class, this doesnt mean they are not learning but just think that they are willing and so, lead them to further advancements for them to gather enough confidence. There are no such fast learners. As soon as they become fluent to the new language, they would become easily at ease adapting and using what is taught to them. References: Haynes, J. ( 2005 ) Stages of Second Language Acquisition. Retrieved April 25, 2007 from http://www. everythingesl. net Reed, B. ( 2003 ) Overview of the Second Language Acquisition Theory. Retrieved April 25, 2007 from http://www. nwrel. org/request/2003may/overview. html John Stanford International School. Stages of Second Language Acquisition. Retrieved April 25, 2007 from http://www. seattleschools. org/schools/JohnStanfordIntlSchool/Teaching/kand1/immersion_stages. html.

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