Friday, August 21, 2020

A Morning With Sir Tim Berners-Lee

A Morning With Sir Tim Berners-Lee This morning I attended a lecture in Stata, given by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the guy who invented the world wide web. (That sentence alone is pretty awesome. But I digress.) Tim was pretty fascinating, so I checked out his site to learn more about him. My favortite page is the one on which he answers questions for kids. I particularly like his answer to the last question. It was a bit weird to be sitting in the same room with the guy who was responsible for changing the world so significantly. Think about it what would the last ten years have been like without the web? And yet in person hes just a guy. Not the guy who revolutionized everything from commerce to politics to college admissions with his invention. No, in person hes just a nice, friendly guy with talents in physics and computers who cared deeply about facilitating communication within human civilization, so he did something about it. I dont think it was ever his plan to change the world. That part was just icing on the cake. As he explains on the kids page: Think about most of the bad things that have happened between people in your life. Maybe most of them come down to one person not understanding another. Even wars. Lets use the Web to help people understand each other. Sometimes I think the best ideas in the world begin as the most simple ones. Lets communicate. Bravo, Sir Tim.

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