Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Hall Of Fame For College Basketball - 1500 Words

The Hall of Fame for college basketball players was on the wall. It had just recently been updated after the Hall of Fame presentation of Saturday. I had just woken up feeling cold. I looked out the window of my dorm to see the dark, cloudy day outside with the rain pelting down on the window pane. I was still really tired after the late night of getting praised on my amazing basketball skills, finally I had been recognized and everyone was telling me that I needed to declare that I’m joining the NBA as soon as possible! I then declared for the NBA draft halfway through my season. The election for the new president was going on at that moment, but he wasn’t really interested in the elections, he heard on the radio what the soon to be president didn’t like and what he did. The main thing he heard though was that he didn’t like basketball, how could anyone not like basketball? How could I get rid of this new president to be? I looked up on the black market on the deep dark web for an assassin. There were a few ads in there for Hit man’s pest control and Hit man agent. I rang the Hit man agent and there was a muffled voice coming over the phone, I could barely understand him. I told him that I wanted the election to be stopped and the person who was winning the election to be killed, and cover up your tracks well! There was one thing I didn’t want to happen. I didn’t want to be arrested just as I was about to get into the NBA. No one would want me on their team when theyShow MoreRelatedDean Smith Essay1163 Words   |   5 Pagesmens college basketball. He is originally from Emporia, Kansas, Smith as been called a coaching legend by the Basketball Hall of Fame. Smith is best known for his successful 36-year coaching career at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 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