Friday, January 3, 2020

Logistics management - Evaluate the logistics operations...

Read through the case study on Cartes sans Frontià ¨res and write a report addressing the issues raised in the questions below. Evaluate the logistics operations carried out within the company highlighting the problems encountered. Cartes Sans Frontià ¨res (CSF) is a multi-million organisation that produces maps for the European traveller. Based at Lyons in France, they produce maps, atlases and travel guides. The production is all done in house, saving on external costs. CSF has its own Surveying and Designs Division licensing out their designs to other external organisations, earning substantial royalties for the company. Reading through the case study I have found that CSF is a very active company in terms of the movement of goods within†¦show more content†¦Here I think is CSF s biggest downfall. According to Stock, If the EDI was available to all the customers, Moulin, the system used to generate the EDI orders to the warehouse would be working independently without the need of any keyed in manual orders. This would save time and money, (Stock, 2001) The final logistics operation happens in the picking area. Once the maps have been made, they are stored in aisles with the maps arranged by country and then by numerical order. When an order comes through scan guns will find the order and tell the pickers exactly where the maps are stored using an onboard display. When the entire order has been picked, the scan gun is uploaded into Moulin, allowing the system to reorder the necessary stock. The order is then packed and palletised and is ready to be dispatched. Discuss how the use of various IT applications contribute to enhancing efficiency of the logistics processes. Are there any areas which could be further developed using IT? Cartes Sans Frontià ¨res distributes nearly 5 million maps a year throughout Europe. This figure would not be possible without the use of IT within the organisation. CSF uses a very sophisticated order processing system, a SAP R/3-based system called Moulin. In the face of continual growth, the increased turnover, and an increasingly global and competitive market, Moulin adopted a simple strategy - improve efficiency and manage costs by integrating and streamlining itsShow MoreRelatedThe Outsourcing of Logistical Activities: the Case of Guinness Ghana Breweries Limited11823 Words   |  48 PagesGhana Breweries Limited has been outsourcing it logistics activities more than four years. The rationale behind the outsourcing activities is to cut down cost and enjoy first class service from specialist using the most suitable, quick and reliable technology. 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