Friday, September 13, 2019

Case Scenario Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Case Scenario - Essay Example On the other hand, it has been recommended that the committee should not offer the same green light to Greenpeace to conduct a protest at the shopping mall since this can lead to public disorder. The paper seeks to discuss the ethical and legal ramifications based on the DRNC Scenario. The paper will outline the issues, their implications and the measures that can be taken in order to resolve the issue at hand. The paper will also discuss the recommendations that can be implemented to address the issues raised. 1. Based on the fictional account story of planning and preparation leading up to the mythical Democratic-Republican National Convention (DRNC) event in Miami, Florida, it can be noted that there are potential legal claims that are likely to be raised by private citizen seriously injured by the use of the LRADs if the decision is made by the Sub-Committee to purchase them after relying solely on the manufacturers claims and instructions as to their use. It can be seen that LRAD’s can cause considerable pain and discomfort to people standing within their range though the manufacturers deny this claim. This has been revealed by Hayes who states that: â€Å"yes, in a way it is, but the company that sells them does not consider them to be a less-lethal weapon†¦ it doesn’t rise to that level†¦ at least according to them.† In the event that there was insufficient time to test the device and train officers in their use before the Convention and it has also be en assumed that the Sub-Committee concluded that the value of the LRADs use in crowd control outweighed any risk of harm caused by their use, it can be noted that the potential liability of the individual officer using the device is negligence which falls under tort law. Basically, negligence is described as a civil wrong which results in the breach of duty care owed to the neighbour by another person

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