Monday, September 2, 2019

Television and College Life Essay -- Television TV

Television and College Life After a long day of classes, I just like to lie down on the couch and relax while watching my favorite television show. Like me, this is how many college students end the day. After conducting a series of surveys and interviews, I realized that, even though we all like to watch our favorite shows, we prefer different shows and watch them at different times in different ways. My overall goal was to determine if there was any difference in television viewing based upon gender. In addition, I hoped to learn: how much TV college students watch per day; if viewers look forward to watching a particular show; if college students use TV as an escape from the everyday pressures; and, if they â€Å"channel surf† or remain with one channel throughout an entire program. Before beginning my survey, I had some preconceived notions about the types of answers that I would obtain. I decided to survey ten college students. I included five male and five female subjects in my survey to be equitable as well as to determine preferences based upon gender in my results. I surveyed two of my male roommates and one female roommate. The remaining participants were random friends who visited our house. This was an easy and effective way to conduct my surveys. Having so many roommates means there are always a variety of people who come and go from our residence. Although this was a simple way to conduct my survey, I was not certain that it would be an accurate sampling. Even though there were a variety of individuals frequenting our house, they seemed to possess many similarities. My fears were unfounded because those surveyed preferred various programs, providing the basis for unbiased results... ...been something like ER or Ally Mcbeal. IUP has 15,000 students; this survey was only a small sampling of the University’s student population. To get more accurate results, I might have surveyed a larger sample of people or included people whom I do not know. Also, I should have conducted interviews with more people whom I do not know well. These changes would have provided a better insight into what type of viewers and viewing habits of people I do not know. Although my results were not what I expected, I am very pleased about what I learned. I have conducted interviews before, but I have never conducted a survey. It was challenging yet interesting to draw up the questions for the survey. In this way I was able to ask questions to which I wanted the answers. Overall I felt this was a worthwhile experience that was educational and enlightening.

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