Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Stem Cell Life Safers Essay -- Biology, Cells

Envision a euphoric world where a couple insignificant little cells had the possibility to cure horrible chronic diseases like cancer. Picture how incredible that would be. Now imagine this, the only sacrifice you would have to make to save millions of people, would be killing a few babies here and there. Now how does that sound to you? Sounds like a rapidly developing dilemma. If that was your initial thought, you were correct. This dilemma is called embryonic stem cell research, and it has caused conflicts with peoples’ opinions, morals, and religion for years. Being that scientist, doctors, and the public can’t decide if embryonic stem cell research is moral or immoral, the research should just be banned altogether and researchers should begin focusing on other methods of research to find cures for diseases. What are Embryonic Stem Cells, you may ask? Embryonic Stem Cells are cells that are extracted from human embryos. These particular stem cells can transform into more than two hundred varying tissue types. (Birtley, Cate) The embryonic stem cell is a possible life saver. It has the potential to cure diseases such as cancer, Parkinson’s disease, and eventually the memory loss disease, Alzheimer’s. (Svoboda, Elizabeth. 5) However, stem cells have instances where they shouldn’t be as glorified as they are. According to Don Taylor, the director at the Center for Cardiovascular Repair, at the University of Minnesota, â€Å"Embryonic Stem Cells represent the good, the bad, and the ugly. When they are good, they can be grown to a large number in the lab and used to give rise to tissues, organs, or body parts. When they are bad, they don’t know when to stop growing and they give rise to tumors. The ugly – well we don’t unde... a newborn babies umbilical cord. These stem cells, if they had been left alone to develop further, would have formed into immune system cells or blood cells. Since these cells would’ve eventually become immune system or blood cells, they can’t morph into as large of a variety as embryonic stem cells can. However, they are still very effective in helping patients that are suffering from blood diseases such as leukemia or hepatitis. Cord-blood stem cells also serve as a great alternative to the patients having a bone marrow transplant. While these stem cells are extracted from the stem cells of babies, it is of no harm to the child whatsoever. On the other hand, when you obtain embryonic stem cells, you are extracted them from the undeveloped embryo which ultimately leads to the destruction of the embryo and the death of the child. (Svoboda, Elizabeth 1)

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